5 minutes
Cannes - a wrapper for CAN written in Elixir
“Shanghai interchange” by Denys Nevozhai
CAN BUS tools
Cannes (named after the city in France 🇫🇷) is an elixir WIP-wrapper around cantools which is written in python. The wrapper makes it easier to handle CAN messages in Elixir projects. Individual functionalities of cantools
are implemented using Porcelain. Porcelain implements a saner approach to launching and communicating with external OS processes from Elixir. Built on top of Erlang’s ports, it provides richer functionality and simpler API.
Why a wrapper for CAN?
As part of my master thesis (A Man-In-The-Middle Approach Towards Dataflow Management for OBD-II Interfaces in Vehicles
) I had to deal with a variety of CAN messages. Since I wanted to develop my approach using Elixir, I needed a simple way to encode and decode different CAN messages in Elixir.
is still under development and by far not complete. Feel free to contribute.
See General Informations for more about this project.
- Install Python v3.x
- Install Elixir v1.11+
- Setup a virtualenv and activate it
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install the python dependencies - Run
mix deps.get
to install the Hex dependencies
To use Cannes in your Mix projects, first add Cannes as a dependency.
Components of the library
“Brief general overview of the internal components.“
The dumper
module is for communicating with linux can sockets over candump.
In order to spawns a candump process on the given interface you can use the following snippet.
There is also a function for stopping a running
process carefully and for checking if the candump
process is still running.If you want to get a stream of formatted can messages you can do this by calling the following function.
function.This raw stream can also be formatted afterwards by passing the stored binary to format_candump_string
This module is the counterpart to the Cannes.Dumper
. With the help of the included functions it is possible to send CAN messages.
The Cannes.Mock
module provices some useful functions for simulating simple CAN-messages. You can get an infinite stream of formatted can messages by calling the file_stream
function. Currently we use a simple logging file as blueprints for the messages.
facilitates a usefull wrapper for the python library called cantool
Using the decode_message
function it is possible to decode given signal data as a message with given frame ID or given name frame_id_or_name
. The function returns a dictionary of signal name value entries. If decode_choices
is false
, scaled values are not converted to selection strings (if any). If the scaling is false
, no scaling of signals is performed.
The counterpart to this is the encode_message
function. It encodes given signal data as a message with the given frame ID or name frame_id_or_name
. The return value is a dictionary of signal name value entries. If scaling is false
, no scaling of the signals is performed. If padding is true
, unused bits are encoded as 1. If strict is true
, all signal values must be within their allowed ranges or an exception will be thrown.